Episode 004 of Next Without For, Turbo Rascal, is posted!
Direct Link to MP3:
Links from the episode:
CBM .PRG Studio: http://www.ajordison.co.uk/
Links from the episode:
PunyInform - a new library for writing text adventures for old computers: https://vintageisthenewold.com/punyinform-a-new-library-for-writing-text-adventures-for-old-computers/
Ozmoo: A Z-machine interpreter for the Commodore 64 - https://github.com/johanberntsson/ozmoo/
Hackaday article on Z-machines: https://hackaday.com/2019/05/22/zork-and-the-z-machine-bringing-the-mainframe-to-8-bit-home-computers/
CBM .PRG Studio: http://www.ajordison.co.uk/
Turbo Rascal SE: https://lemonspawn.com/turbo-rascal-syntax-error-expected-but-begin/
List of systems supported by TRSE: https://lemonspawn.com/support-sheet/
TRSE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/742955836046459
TRSE Showcases : https://lemonspawn.com/gallery
TRSE Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7z5kqbo9HM
TRSE Slack channel for devtalk : turborascal.slack.com
Earl, what is the name of the book you mentioned on 8080, 8085, z80 programming? It sounds like something I would like to read. BTW, I sometimes hear you on the RCR podcast. Thanks, Rick