Episode 005 of Next Without For, Programming the TI 58 and 59, is posted!
Direct Link to MP3:
Links from the episode:
Links from the episode:
- http://ti58c.phweb.me/ TI-58C emulator for Windows in various languages
- Emulator for the iPhone and iPad: RCL-59 http://n3times.com/rcl/ios/
- Vertigo -- a TI-59 emulator - requires Java 1.1 browser - http://n3times.com/vertigo/#
- TI-59/64 by Claudio Larini updated as recently as 2020 for 32/64-bit Windows - http://www.claudiolarini.altervista.org/emul1.htm
Programs for the TI-58C: http://ti58c.phweb.me/ Pierre Houbert
- TI Compiler with TI Shell - https://gtello.pagesperso-orange.fr/ti58_e.htm by Guillaume Tello
- TCompiler - https://ti59compiler.wixsite.com/ti59 by Philippe Tivolle
http://www.claudiolarini.altervista.org/bax59.htm Dartmouth BASIC compiler based on a thesis paper referenced in the episode.