Episode 011 of Next Without For, Using BASIC on Modern Hardware, is posted!
- News!
- Atari BASIC AI training - https://discord.gg/WnEcxSvtS
- Nabu computer - https://nabu.ca/
- More Contests!
- Amiga Jam - https://itch.io/jam/amigatooljam
- VisionBASIC Game Contest - http://visionbasic.fun/
- AMSTRAD ASCII Compo - http://logiker.com/AMSCII-Compo
- BASIC implementations for iOS (iphone/iPad):
- BBC BASIC by Richard Russell - free - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/bbcbasic/id6444498023
- Commodore BASIC - Hand BASIC - CBM flavor by Ahmad Hawwash - free - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hand-basic-cbm-flavor/id394924289
- Hotpaw BASIC (iPad) - $4.99 - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hotpaw-basic/id295464266
- See: http://www.hotpaw.com/rhn/basic/iphone/ for a more complete description of the Basic language syntax
- Smart BASIC (iOS/Mac) by Nikolay Denislamov $11.99 - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/basic-programming-language/id1540244170
- BASIC implementations for Android
- "BASIC Programming Compiler" - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.krazeapps.basicprogrammingcompiler
- BASIC implementations for MacOS:
- PC-BASIC - (Windows/Mac/Linux/Python) - https://robhagemans.github.io/pcbasic/
- BBC BASIC by Richard Russell - https://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcbasic.html
- PureBASIC - also Linux, Windows, RPi, AmigaOS 4 - https://www.purebasic.com/
- Chipmunk BASIC - https://www.nicholson.com/rhn/basic/
- BASIC implementations for Windows:
- Vintage BASIC - http://www.vintage-basic.net/download.html
- SpecBAS - https://github.com/ZXDunny/SpecBAS
- SmallBASIC - https://smallbasic-publicwebsite.azurewebsites.net/
- QB64 - https://qb64.com/ - Windows, Linux, MacOS
- FreeBASIC - https://www.freebasic.net/
- BASIC implementations for Linux:
- Matrix Brandy BASIC VI - http://brandy.matrixnetwork.co.uk/
- Also check out this BBC BASIC reference - http://www.riscos.com/support/developers/bbcbasic/index.html
- BASIC implementations for Web Browser:
- SPIDERBASIC - https://www.spiderbasic.com/ (Web/desktop)
- Applesoft BASIC in Javascript - https://inexorabletash.github.io/jsbasic/
- Quite BASIC - http://www.quitebasic.com/prj/games/hangman/
- Applesoft BASIC Editor CyanIIDE - https://paleotronic.com/applesoft/
- wwwBASIC - https://github.com/google/wwwbasic
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